In September, the Center for Nature Conservation and Development (CCD) delivered nearly 80,000 seedlings of valuable timber species such as Magnolia tonkinensis, Pterocarpus macrocarpus, Dalbergia cochinchinensis, Dalbergia oliveri, Afzelia xylocarpa to households and cooperatives in Huong Son and Huong Phung communes, Huong Hoa district, Quang Tri province, with financial support from One Tree Planted. These trees are meant to revive degraded, barren areas, and agricultural plots to stablize soil and retain water, provide shade, enhance agricultural and silvicultural productivity, and strengthen the protective function of the upstream of Ben Hai and Rao Quan rivers, while also contribute to the income of the local people and conserving those planted species.

Picture 1: Vigorous seedlings delivered to the people
Picture 2: CCD’s team coordinated with representatives from the People’s Committee, forest rangers, suppliers, and transport units to ensure the correct recipients, quantities, species, and delivery locations for the seedlings.
Picture 3: CCD’s team providing silvicultural techniques of the tree species for local people.
In an effort to restore ecosystems in the Annamite Range, countering deforestation, extreme weather, thus secure and rewild habitats for wildlife, CCD has been working with partners to mobilize resources and implement sustainable development projects. Additionally, CCD focuses on raising awareness among local communities about the value of biodiversity and providing silvicutural techniques to improve local livelihoods, thereby contributing to the unique economic and cultural development of the region.

Picture 4, 5: Households and cooperatives receiving the seedlings
Picure 6: Planting trees