Village meetings to raise awareness of local communities to conserve the critically endangered Northern White-cheeked Gibbon in Pu Hoat Nature Reserve, Nghe An province
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Village meetings to raise awareness of local communities to conserve the critically endangered Northern White-cheeked Gibbon in Pu Hoat Nature Reserve, Nghe An province

The northern white-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus leucogenys) is classified under the IB group of the List of endangered, rare and precious flora and fauna of the Vietnam Decree 06/2019/ND-CP dated on January 22, 2019, the Endangered (EN) in the 2007 Vietnam’s Red Data Book, and the Critically Endangered (CR) in the IUCN’s Red List of Threatened Species. The population of this species in the world is declining sharply due to human impacts and habitat loss. The northern white-cheeked gibbon previously existed in China, Laos and Vietnam; however, in recent years, this species was declared to be extinct in China. Thus, the northern white-cheeked gibbon is now distributed only in Vietnam and Laos. In Vietnam, Xuan Lien and Pu Hoat Nature Reserves (NR) have been identified as the most important habitats for this extremely endangered primate.

Being a part of programs on improving the capacity of relevant stakeholders in nature conservation and protection of endangered species in Vietnam, and followed the successfully completed village meetings on the conservation of the northern white- cheeked gibbon in Xuan Lien NR, the Center for Nature Conservation and Development (CCD), in collaboration with Pu Hoat NR management board, organized village meetings in 05 villages of Muong Phu, Muong Hinh, Na Luom, Pu Duoc and Long Thang, with the aim at raising awareness of villagers in natural conservation in general and in conservation of the northern white-cheeked gibbon in particular. The meetings were taken place from 28 to 30 July 2020 and attracted more than 500 people in 05 villages with the enthusiastic support from officers of Pu Hoat NR.

Below is some photos of the awareness raising event:

Photo 1: Women at various ages and children of Long Thang village, Hanh Dich commune, Que Phong district, Nghe An province participated in the village meeting to understand the role of forest and conservation of the northern white-cheek gibbon
Photo 2: Villagers of Pu Duoc village, Dong Van commune, Que Phong district, Nghe An province joined the gibbon games

Photo 3: Forest ranger of Pu Hoat Nature Reserve talking to people in Muong Phu village, Thong Thu commune, Que Phong district, Nghe An province about the protection of white cheeked gibbons
Photo 4: Group photo with villagers of Na Luom village, Thong Thu commune, Que Phong district, Nghe An province.

The Center for Nature Conservation and Development

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