The Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART) is an toolkit designed to assist forest management units in effective biodiversity conservation and patrol data management. In Vietnam, SMART tools are standardizing in biodiversity data management and forest protection, at every special-use forest and protection forest (Decision No. 197/QĐ-TCLN-ĐDPH by Vietnam Administration of Forestry).
In order to facilitate the implementation of SMART tools, Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Agency, Department of Special-use and Protection forest management, and Center for Nature Conservation and Development (CCD) were in cooperation to organize a SMART training course on “The implementation of SMART in protected area management, patrolling and reporting to advance the effectiveness of biodiversity conservation” , from June 30 to July 02 of 2022, at Cuc Phuong National Park. The course is a part of the project “Strengthening partnerships to protect globally significant endangered species in Vietnam” (WLP).

The training course received participation of nearly 30 technical and law enforcement officers of 14 national parks and nature reserves within northern Vietnam. At the event, attendees were shared data models, patrol packages building while practice installing and configuring SMART tools, on-site collecting and managing patrol data, as well as exporting reports. In addition, the course discussed on difficulties and worked for solutions during the implementation process of SMART tools.
CCD will coordinate with Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Agency and Department of Special-use and Protection forest management to deploy SMART tools training courses for national parks and nature reserves in the Central and Southern regions. CCD has putting efforts to the standardization of SMART tools, the establishment of the SMART network and sustainable development of biodiversity in Vietnam.