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Xuan Lien Nature Reserve (NR) is located at the upstream of the Chu river, northwest of Thanh Hoa province, Vietnam. This area is well known for its high biodiversity and also inhabitant of many endemic, endangered faunas and floras, including Nomascus leucogenys, Trachypithecus phayrei, Muntiacus rooseveltorum, Cunninghamia konishii, Cinnamomum balansae, etc. and many other rare faunas and floras

Xuan Lien NR has the highest biodiversity value in northern Vietnam, however, it has only 33 official officers including administrative and forest protection officers. Those officers have to manage a large area of forest which is one of the difficulties of not only Xuan Lien but also others special use and protection forest management boards, therefore, it affects efficiency of forest, forest biodiversity monitoring activities, and violation prevention, etc.

To support special use and protection forest management board in monitoring forest, and forest biodiversity, and also standardizing the patrol and reporting system, SMART and Global Forest Watch (GFW) were applied for Xuan Lien NR, Thuong Xuan Protection Forest Management Board (Thuong Xuan PFMB), and community patrol teams of those management boards. Those applications can enhance not only the quality of the patrol activities, collecting, and managing information, but also synchronize, and unify data among forest rangers, forest protection officers, and community patrol teams. Therefore, the management planning activities of stations, community patrol teams as well as managing data and writing reports become easier and more efficient. 

Center for Nature Conservation and Development (CCD) cooperated with Xuan Lien NR and Thuong Xuan PFMB to organize training sessions on using SMART and introducing the GFW platform in March and April 2023. The participants included community patrol teams from 7 communes located in the buffer zone of Xuan Lien NR, and staff from 6 forest management and protection stations under the Thuong Xuan PFMB. CCD also supports Xuan Lien NR and Thuong Xuan PFMB to build and finalize the standard SMART data model.

To increase the proficiency of the implementation, CCD will continue to repeat training activities, support the management boards to update data models, reports forms and also participate in periodic patrols with patrol teams to guide them collecting data in the correct procedure. Digitization and application of technology significantly improve forest management activities, and reporting systems, it also supports monitoring and managing patrol teams while they are on the field. CCD will continue to support NRs, and special use forest management boards in Thanh Hoa province and all over the country to enhance management activities, effectively apply patrolling and monitoring tools, and promote the participation of communities in protecting forest and biodiversity. 

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